Should I Renovate My Garage This Spring?

Should I Renovate My Garage This Spring

Renew Your Garage In Spring

After a long winter, the springtime presents an ideal time for renewal. The damage caused by the stress of cold temperatures and salt blasting away at moving parts and panels reduces the value and utility of your garage. Alternatively, if you wish to transform your garage into a space that’s more than just storage and parking, spring is a fantastic time to begin a garage metamorphosis.

Springtime Is A Great Time For Change

The best time to renovate is whatever time works best for you and your home. Often, summer is known as the remodeling season, with many homeowners choosing to get work done while temperatures are hot and dry, reducing the complications that may pop up due to inclement weather.

Spring is nearly as popular as summer for renovations, especially for families who take summer vacations, who may prefer to be present during the renos. In fact, if you’re looking forward to enjoying your newly renovated garage during the summer, starting during early spring should guarantee that the job’s done before the season switches, assuming your garage isn’t a multi-acre complex.

Some jobs vital to the renovation of a garage are best taken care of during spring. For example, in the likely event you’re fixing the drywall of your garage, spring provides an ideal time for the drywall to quickly set. Spring conditions are also great if you’re sanding down surfaces, allowing open windows and doors to blow dust outdoors. Good weather also reduces the chances of bad weather getting in the way of timely project completion.

Homeowners sometimes worry about the costs of booking a contractor during the busy spring season. You can avoid inflated costs by planning well ahead and scheduling the job in winter, or as far back as fall. Coming to an agreement with a contractor well before the busy season gives you a chance to negotiate better rates and avoid any price spikes that may result from inflation or an increase in commodity costs.

What Type Of Spring Renovations Are Best For My Garage?

There are many different types of projects to choose from when you consider improving your garage, ranging from the creation of an addition to your home to a retrofit that focuses solely on your garage door and opener. Therefore, the end goal of the renovation revolves around what you wish to achieve with your garage space.

Renovations for Return On Investment (ROI)

Homeowners looking to maximize the return on investment for their garage renovation should focus on the wishes of homebuyers. According to surveys conducted by the National Association of Home Builders, “home buyers want help with organization.” About 86 percent of respondents reported the desire to have garage storage space, including a garage that fits three or more vehicles, which creates the needed extra space. Nearly one-third of respondents reported that they consider garage storage as an essential for the home.

If you’re interested in creating the maximum value for your renovation, you’ll want to focus on renovating the garage in such a way that creates as much space as possible. You may also wish to consider building dedicated storage as part of the renovation.

The curb appeal of your home also affects the perceived value of your property. If your garage door and automatic opener are noticeably dilapidated, it may affect negatively the curb appeal of your home, leading to reduced value. Replacing the panel and opener with a fresh model will increase the value of your home, justifying your investment in garage renovations.

Quality of Life Renovations

Transforming your garage into a rec room, workshop, studio or bedroom will greatly increase the enjoyment of your home when the renovation is done right. However, don’t expect a huge ROI for these types of renovations.

Rebuilding the garage as a new room results in a fractional ROI, which means that the value of this type of renovation will be personal rather than monetary. If you’re planning on living in the home for many years, the amount of enjoyment that you and your family will derive from creating an additional space out of the garage cannot be measured using financial means.

Complete Spring Renovations With A Great Garage Door

When you need to renovate your garage, spring provides a superb opportunity to get the work done in pleasant weather while having everything ready for summer fun. You also get to avoid the increase of costs as contractors raise prices in response to increased seasonal demand.

Contact us today to get a free quote, or start by building your perfect garage door!

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