Keep Warm in the Winter With These Garage Heating Tips

Keep warm

Do you live in a cold winter climate? Do you use your garage as a workshop or year‑round storage space? If so, you’re probably looking for garage heating ideas. When it comes to this project, there are many wonderful solutions. Once you’ve taken the time to apply some of them, you’ll never have to bundle up in your garage again.

Insulating the Walls and Ceiling

Insulating the walls and ceiling, of your garage, is a bit time‑consuming. However, it’s the best way to keep the building heated. You have a choice, in regard to the type of insulation you use. This includes:

  • Blown‑in insulation
  • Blanket insulation
  • Foam insulation

If your walls aren’t finished, but you plan on eventually putting up drywall, blanket insulation is recommended. It comes in standard widths and is fairly easy to put up between the wooden wall studs.

When you purchase blanket, otherwise known as rolled, insulation you need to choose an “R‑value.” The higher the number, the better the insulation insulates.

If your garage is already drywalled, opt for either blown‑in or foam insulation. Foam insulation hardens as it dries. It’s typically inexpensive to rent a blower or sprayer. All you do, to insulate the walls, is drill small holes between each set of studs and shoot the desired type of insulation in.

Radiant‑Heat Floor Heating

Although radiant‑heat flooring is suitable for installation either above or below the subfloor, it’s usually best to install it above. The reason behind this is the fact that it makes the garage warmer because the heat doesn’t have to travel through the subfloor.

There are two types of radiant‑heat systems, high‑voltage cables and a low‑voltage mats. Both work well with either ceramic tile or vinyl floor covering options.

These systems heat up the entire floor surface, so wherever you stand you’ll always feel heat. They are very efficient. You may end up saving 25 to 50% on your garage heating costs, when compared to other methods.

The Importance of Weather Stripping

Weather stripping does an excellent job of blocking drafts around the garage door and any applicable windows. It’s simple to apply and generally doesn’t take much time to do so.

If your funds allow, consider purchasing a new (well insulated) garage door. If the initial cost seems a bit high, remember that it will pay for itself in one or two winters… due to the money you’ll save on heating bills.

Heater Options

Possible garage heating options include:

  • Space heaters
  • Furnace
  • Forced‑air heater

It should be noted that wood stoves and propane heaters are not a recommended source of garage heating. Because of the open flames, wood stoves are a fire hazard. Even worse, if your garage isn’t properly ventilated, a propane heater can be deadly.

This is just a very basic overview of how to heat a garage. With so many choices available to you, it’s best to shop around and get your game plan together, before you make any purchases.

One of the most important upgrades you can make to your garage to keep it warm during the winter is installing an insulated garage door. Contact us for a free quote!


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