Soon, the snowboard needs to make room for the mountain bike.
The garage is one of the few spaces in the house where you can store a large amount of bigger‑sized equipment, from hockey sticks to bicycles and more – plus, you have instant access to outside your home, meaning that you don’t have to drag your sporting equipment throughout the entire house.
However, it’s also quite easy to create a clutter in the garage if you don’t store your sporting equipment properly. The following are 5 garage storage tips for your sporting equipment:
1. Use Your Wall Space
Consider installing a pegboard on one of your garage walls. This lets you hang up a number of different pieces of sports equipment. Not only is it a great way to keep things organized, it makes everything incredibly easy to find and access. Just be sure to use heavier hooks for heavier items. Try to hang a heavy item on a lightweight hook or the whole pegboard could come crashing down.
2. Use a Custom Overhead Sling
A custom overhead sling is a great option for odd‑shaped pieces of sporting equipment that are simply going to take up way too much space on the floor or on the shelf. A custom overhead sling also allows you to make use of the ceiling space, which often goes ignored by most homeowners.
Just make sure that whatever piece of equipment you are using the sling for doesn’t interfere with the operation of the garage door and that the sling is properly installed. The last thing you want is the equipment falling from its location, which could not only cause damage to the equipment and whatever is located below, but could injure someone as well.
3. Install Bike Racks
Even if you only have one or two bikes, using bike racks is a great way to save some of your garage’s floor space from being used up. If you have an entire family’s worth of bikes, then a bike rack is practically a necessity, unless you want to clutter up your garage space.
You can even install a pulley system so that bikes can be suspended from the ceiling. Just make sure that your bike racks are installed properly so that there’s no danger of them falling from their position.
4. Use Crates and Bins
Using crates and bins is one of the simplest yet most effective garage storage solutions. You can even use different coloured crates and bins in order to identify what’s in each one. The most important thing about using them is access.
Crates and bins with sports equipment that you use throughout the year should be the most accessible. Crates and bins with equipment you only use a couple times each year, such as winter sport equipment, should go on the top of your shelves.
5. Prepare Equipment Before Storing
Before you begin putting your equipment away, prep it for use and check for any damage. For example, check your ice skates for loose blades and wipe down your skis.
Not only will this reduce the frustration you feel when you take out your sporting equipment and see that you can’t use it right away, but it will keep your garage in a much cleaner state.
Protect Your Equipment with the Right Garage Door
To properly ensure that your equipment is stored in the right temperature, your garage door should be insulated. Also, to protect your equipment from thieves, your garage door should be secure.
Find a variety of garage doors with both features at Hicklin Door Services, or have fun designing your dream garage door.
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